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Building & construction
not move off site, it is strongly recommended that all building or construction sites undertake erosion, sediment and drainage control management
Site contamination
to manage site contamination across South Australia as part of the State Government’s strategic priority to deal with long-term environmental and health
Site contamination frameworks
The Environment Protection Act 1993 provides provisions and regulatory instruments that enables the EPA to regulate those responsible for site
Planning & site contamination
Site contamination assessment From 19 March 2021, under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 , the planning system includes
Site contamination index
The online site contamination index provides a list of sites in South Australia for which the EPA holds information recorded in the public register
Site contamination index
A list of site contamination information received by the EPA and recorded in the public register under the Environment Protection Act 1993
Cu-River - Port Augusta (former power station site)
Flinders Power announced on 1 February 2019 that it had agreed to sell the former power station site to Cu-River Mining Australia, an iron ore
GM Holden enters into a voluntary site contamination assessment proposal The EPA and Holden entered into a voluntary site contamination assessment
area were completed, with an identified liable party responsible for further assessment and remediation of site contamination for their dry cleaning
through the soil and into homes and buildings. Work undertaken by DSD found the offsite residential areas adjacent to the site to be safe from vapour